
From Aeterni Patris :

"...[R]eason, borne on the wings of Thomas to its human height, can scarcely rise higher, while faith could scarcely expect more or stronger aids from reason than those which she has already obtained through Thomas."

Pope Leo XIII Issues Aeterni Patris (On the Restoration of Christian Philosophy)

August 4, 1879

Following the Reformation, the thought of Thomas Aquinas entered a period of decline and decay. A renewal of scholastic studies began in the nineteenth century and was given impetus by Leo's encyclical. The Thomistic renewal played out in the United States as well, where figures as diverse as Edward Pace, John Ryan, and Jacques Maritain embraced Aquinas's philosophical approach in their respective fields.


Aeterni Patris * Catholic Encyclopedia


G. McCool, The Neo-Thomists (Marquette Studies in Philosophy, 3)