Bibliography of the History of the American Hierarchy
These are books relevant to the history of Catholic bishops in the United States.
J.T. Ellis, Catholic Bishops
G. Fogarty, Patterns of Episcopal Leadership
J.J. Hennesey, The first Vatican Council: Views of the American Bishops 
T. Reese, A Flock of Shepherds: The National Conference of Catholic Bishops 
M. Warner, Changing Witness: Catholic Bishops and Public Policy, 1917-1994
Autobiographies and Biographies (arranged by bishop's name)
Corrigan, Michael. The Diocesan Journal of Michael Augustine Corrigan, Bishop of Newark, 1872-1880
Cooke, Terence. B. Groeschel and T. Weber, Thy Will Be Done: A Spiritual Portrait of Terence Cardinal Cooke
England, John. L. McNeil, Recovering American Catholic Inculturation: John England's Jacksonian Populism and Romanticist Adaptation
Fitzpatrick, John. T. O'Connor, Fitzpatrick's Boston, 1846-1866: John Bernard Fitzpatrick, Third Bishop of Boston
Gibbons, James. J.T. Ellis, The life of James Cardinal Gibbons: Archbishop of Baltimore, 1834-1921
Haas, Francis. T. Blantz, A Priest in Public Service (Francis Haas)
Hanna, Edward. R. Gribble, An Archbishop for the People: The Life of Edward J. Hanna
Hannan, Philip. P. Hannan, The Archbishop Wore Combat Boots: From Combat to Camelot to Katrina -- A Memoir of an Extraordinary Life
Hughes, John. R. Shaw, Dagger John: The unquiet life and times of Archbishop John Hughes of New York; 
J. Hassard, Life of John Hughes, first archbishop of New York
Ireland, John. J. Moynihan, The Life of Archbishop John Ireland
M.R. O'Connell, John Ireland and the American Catholic Church
McIntyre, Francis. F. Weber, His Eminence of Los Angeles: James Francis Cardinal McIntyre 
McQuaid, Bernard. F.J. Zwierlein, The life and letters of Bishop McQuaid
Neumann, John. M. Curley, Venerable John Neumann, C.SS.R.,: Fourth bishop of Philadelphia
; J. Neumann, He Spared Himself in Nothing: Essays on the Life and Thought of John Nepomucene Neumann
; J. Galvin, Blessed John Neumann, bishop of Philadelphia
O'Boyle, Patrick. M. MacGregor, Steadfast In The Faith: The Life Of Patrick Cardinal O'Boyle
O'Connell, William. D. Slawson, Ambition and Arrogance: Cardinal William O'Connell of Boston and the American Catholic Church

O'Hara, Edwin V. T. Dolan, Some Seed Fell on Good Ground: The Life of Edwin V. O'Hara
Reed, Victor Joseph. J. Bonner, The Road to Renewal: Victor Joseph Reed and Oklahoma Cathlicism, 1905–1917 (see Review by Thomas W. Jodziewicz)
Ritter, Joseph. N. Schneider, Joseph Elmer Cardinal Ritter: His Life and Times
Satolli, Francis. F. Satolli, Loyalty to church and state: The mind of His Excellency, Francis archbishop Satolli
Sheen, Fulton. Thomas Reeves, America's Bishop: The Life and Times of Fulton J. Sheen
Spalding, John Lancaster. J.T. Ellis, John Lancaster Spalding: First Bishop of Peoria, American Educator
; D.F. Sweeney, The Life of John Lancaster Spalding: First Bishop of Peoria, 1840-1916
Spellman, Francis. J. Cooney, The American Pope: The Life and Times of Francis Cardinal Spellman; R. Gannon, The Cardinal Spellman Story